Thursday, May 26, 2011

12V Halogen Lamp Electronics Transformer Circuit Diagram

A halogen lamp is a source of electric light that works by heat-driven light emissions produce from the combination of the halogen gas and the tungsten filament. Below schematic shows the 12V Halogen Lamp Electronics Diagram.
The following file is an application note from containing description of the 12V Halogen Lamp Electronics Diagram. These lamps are available with voltage ratings of 6, 12 or 24 Volts, and so a transformer is needed in order to provide the lamp with a low voltage supply from either 110V a.c. or 220V a.c. mains. The topology of the circuit is the classic half-bridge. The line voltage is rectified by the full-bridge rectifier, generating a semi-sinusoidal voltage at double the line frequency.
Get more information regarding the 12V Halogen Lamp Electronics Diagram design here.

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